Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Free 5 minute video class from Ken: Your Longing For Love is Wisdom, Not Weakness




Hello to my dear readers:

For the longest time, I've wanted to create a free library of videos teaching the principles of Deeper Dating to single people. I've finally gotten over my fears and hesitations and begun that! So, starting now, and continuing until Valentines Day 2015, you'll get a new video every week which will offer an important insight and a short practice you can do to speed and enrich your search for healthy, healing love. This is the first video, and it encourages you to see your longing for love as wisdom, not weakness. It also offers a very quick but very inspiring practice you can do during the upcoming week. Every week, you'll get a new insight and a new practice.

I hope you enjoy this series and that it feeds your life and your intimacy journey. I would love your feedback; what you like, what you'd like me to speak about, and what I can do to improve the videos. If you like this content, please do share these videos via email, FB and Twitter by using the links above. I hope you find this series useful and inspiring!

with much appreciation










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80 East 11th St, Rm 401
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Monday, September 29, 2014

A song, a book, and a workshop for you!!




Hello to my dear readers:

I'm excited to let you know that in the next week or two I will begin sending you free youtube mini-classes on the deeper search for authentic intimacy. It's been a (somewhat scary) dream of mine to do these for a long time now,  so I finally booked time in a studio to make it happen. I hope they add inspiration and support to your own intimacy journey! Today, I wanted to share a song I love by Matt Alber, a gay country/western singer. This song says so much to me about loneliness and love. I hope you enjoy it!

I also want to tell you about a new book my friend Joe Kort has written, and a workshop my friend Arnie Vargas is leading.

Have a wonderful night!



I'm sending this song simply because I love it, and because it captures aspects of loneliness and love so beautifully. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you Matt Alber! (Sorry, it's a little quiet!)



Joe Kort is a friend of mine, an out psychotherapist and author, and a trailblazer in the field of human sexuality whose work speaks not only to the LGBT community, but to the broader population as well.  I'm delighted to let you know about the release of Dr. Joe Kort's new book, “Is My Husband Gay, Straight or Bi” on male sexual fluidity. It is his first book on this topic and I am very excited.  
You can purchase Is My Husband Gay, Straight or Bi” here on Amazon
Dr. Kort did an interview about the book with an Australian therapist who does web and podcasts that you can listen to here 

Joe is the author of the wonderful book 10 Smart things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives 

Arnie is a dear friend of mine and an inspiring teacher and workshop leader. He will be leading a workshop for single men, and I gihly recommend his work! Here are the details:

"Meeting, Dating, Committing..What do I want?:  
A workshop for Men-Who-Love-Men."
Date:  Saturday, November 8, 2014,
from 11am til 7pm. (2 hour Lunch Break)
Place:  Arnie's home in Cape May, NJ
(address will be sent to all who register)
Description:  As a Community of Men-Who-Love-Men, we have come a long way in the past 10 years.  Gay marriage, once unthinkable, is now a reality in many states, with many more states on the way.  While discrimination still exists, there are more laws to protect us, making life together between two men, more and more of a possibility.  Due to online apps, one can now meet men who were only accessible in the past, if one was an avid traveler. Depending on location, meeting men can be very easy or still difficult, yet, there are other issues to consider.  Men-Who-Love-Men have not had many models to choose from.  The only relationship model before us, has been the heterosexual model, which quite often does not even work for heterosexuals due to its rigid standards, so it can work very well for some people, but leave many out, who not knowing what to do, feel that perhaps they should resign themselves to a life of loneliness.
The reality is that like anything in life, everyone can learn to have a happy, healthy relationship regardless of any false information you might have picked up along the way. No one has to settle for what's not right if one is willing to look at oneself and enhance skills we already possess, or learn new ones.
This workshop will explore the dynamics of meeting, dating, and finally deciding the type of committed relationship one wants.  The fact is that we can all be happy.  What is mutually decided between two adult individuals, with clear agreements and open communication, is bound to be long-lasting, or if it ends, it can end harmonically.  
During this day, participants will be exposed to:
* Identifying conscious and unconscious beliefs and feelings that block effective relationships,
*  How to identify early on: potential friends and partners, and wean out the ones that can be problematic,
*  Learning to be totally honest with oneself about one's real desires and how to meet them,
*  Looking beyond the physical, yet value attraction at every level,
*  How to negotiate without loosing oneself in the process,
*  Who to go to for confidential advice and sharing,
*  Being very honest about what one wants and how to negotiate those needs with a potential partner,
*   Embracing with confidence the type of relationship one wants.
*   And much more....
In addition to a day of wonderful information, it's a day to meet great guys. Couples may attend, if willing to give testimonies of different types of relationships, but the workshop is designed for the single man-who-loves-men, and would like to explore a long-term, loving, healthy relationship.
Hope you can join us!!

$80      Workshop Only,  
$140    Workshop and Lunch at area restaurant,
$300    Workshop, Lunch, and one night lodging (very limited space on premises- Breakfast included in price).
Not included:  Off premises lodging and anything else not mentioned above.
For further information:  Contact Arnie at: 1-800-314-7618 (Phone/Fax), or via email:
To Register:  Go to:  and fill out form which includes payment options. - 
Full workshop payment of $80 is due at registration.  Payment is fully refundable up to 8 days prior to the workshop. After 8 days, payment is non-refundable.  Balances are due upon arrival on the day of the workshop.

Travel information will be sent to all who requested it, and every effort will be made to connect participants with rides.  Ideal for guys in the NY, NJ, Philadelphia area and Delaware.
WORKSHOP IS LIMITED TO 12 PARTICIPANTS!  Please, register early.







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80 East 11th St, Rm 401
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Saturday, September 6, 2014

8 Days of Free Classes From Top Thought Leaders on the Search For Love




Hello to all my readers,

I’m excited to be writing to you today with a special announcement of a free online teaching event for everyone who’s trying to bring consciousness and insight to their search for love.

Starting on Thursday, September 11th, you will have the opportunity to tune into 21 of the world’s leading love experts as they guide you through a rich array of teachings focused on finding authentic love.
It’s free . . . and it’s virtual--right here on your computer.
Brought to you by The Art of Love Relationship Series, this 8-day event is called The Secrets to Finding True Love and it’s being hosted by two of the world’s leading experts on attracting love—bestselling author Arielle Ford & Feminine Power co-founder Claire Zammit, PhD.
You can read all about it and register at no charge here 

What makes this online summit so special is that Arielle and Claire have curated the most celebrated and effective trainings from the world’s top authors, teachers, transformation experts and coaches to support you in your own journey to find and sustain real love. (I'm not in this summit, by the way, but expect to see me in future ones!) 
Each expert featured in this event will help you identify what might be holding you back from manifesting the love you desire, while also teaching you techniques you can follow in your everyday life to empower and enrich your own intimacy journey.
You’ll learn first-hand from experts like Dr. John Gray, Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Helen Fisher, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Katherine Woodward Thomas MA, MFT, Jean Houston, Alison Armstrong, Christian Carter and more.
Another benefit of this summit is that it isn’t just a collection of unrelated talks. Arielle and Claire have structured the event in a step by step teaching format.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn during this FREE 8-day event:
• How to identify your “love personality type” and understand how it determines who you love, as well as how you attract love to you
• A simple, quick and effective technique for releasing past emotional trauma and blockages so you are fully available to your soulmate
• A process that turns your longing into a powerful magnetism for love
• The do’s and don’ts of making a specific list to manifest the right person

And that barely begins to scratch the surface of the rich and valuable teachings you'll have access to.
But make sure to register early and to listen live, because this information won’t remain available for very long!
I encourage you to save your virtual seat right now and register for the event today. HERE 
I look forward to seeing you at The Secrets to Finding True Love Online Event!

Enjoy this free and invaluable content--and have a wonderful weekend.


P.S. Feel free to share this invitation with others who might be interested








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80 East 11th St, Rm 401
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Deeper Dating Course starts tomorrow. We'd love to have you with us!




Hello to all my readers,

I just wanted to let you know that my seven session Deeper Dating course begins tomorrow at 8PM EST. I truly am so excited to be offering this course, which takes the heart of what I've been writing about and turns it into a step by step course, complete with lectures, questions and answers, do-it-yourself field trips, deep and enriching processes, and a community of learning. Each class will be recorded for you, and transcripts will be made available of each 90 minute class. In addition, there will be a worskhop/exercise session following each class where you will get to apply these ideas to the specifics of your own life and search for love. I'm also excited that there will be a closed Facebook group where all of you can support each other in your learning. And finally, there are a number of bonuses for everyone who registers, including an audio micro-meditation tailored to the week's lesson sent to your mailbox each week, and recordings of dialogues between me and some wonderful and renowned thought leaders in the field of intimacy.

If you are serious about deepening and empowering your own search for love, and if this class seems right for you, I'd love to have you join us. It promises to be a wonderful and powerful event. Click here to learn all about the class--and please feel free to share this email!









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80 East 11th St, Rm 401
New York, New York 10003

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Lady Valor: My New Post, A Free micro-meditation, and a free teleseminar by Barbara Marx Hubbard




Hello to all my readers,

Happy Labor Day! I'm delighted to share a very special and somewhat personal post about the upcoming CNN film Lady Valor, which tells the story of former Navy Seal Christopher Beck, now transgender activist Kristin Beck. I was part of a panel with Kristin and a number of wonderful speakers, and the evening inspired me to write this post.

I've also included information about a free teleseminar with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Buckminster Fuller's philosophical heir, advocate for world peace, and inspired "futurist."

And I've included a link to a short micro-meditation called "Honoring Your Longing for Love" which also tells more about my upcoming course. You don't need to sign up for the course to download the micro-meditation, of course.

Enjoy your day!



Lady Valor: Kristin Beck, Gender Freedom and Love

Lady Valor, airing this Thursday, is an inspiring CNN documentary about transgender activist Kristin Beck. As a decorated Navy Seal, Christopher Beck crossed enemy lines to fight for freedom. As Kristin, she crosses equally scary enemy lines; the gender taboos that hold all of us back from full self-expression and deeper intimacy.



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Longing for love is wisdom, not weakness. Longing is the rocket fuelk that gets us out of our gravity zone of safety, avoidance, compulsion and isolation. Yet we are not taught to honor our longing. In this short micro-meditation, you'll learn to honor your longing and be able to use it to move you closer to real intimacy. Click here to listen or download. Enjoy!


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Do you long to go beyond the competitive, win-lose culture of the past into a joyfully co-creative and harmonious future?


You are not alone!


There’s fascinating evidence of a fundamentally new pattern emerging in humanity: the co-creator.  


This emerging pattern goes beyond surface values to a whole new way of engaging and working with others, based on respect and unity.


The co-creator relinquishes the need for power over others and celebrates the emergence of authentic partnership in all domains, offering a juicier, more collaborative, and ultimately more powerful way to live.


Beloved planetary elder Barbara Marx Hubbard offers a compelling vision that this new co-creator archetype is at the very root of our next evolution of humanity.  


This co-creator can actually be seen everywhere – in business, in our personal relationships and in solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges -- and as we embrace the full power of the new pattern, we can grow into our full potential as a human family.


That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to a free teleseminar with Barbara hosted by The Shift Network called “The Emergence of the Co-creator in You: Activating a New Archetype for a New Era.”


Reserve your free seat here:


In this special event, Barbara will share:

  • How to recognize the signs of the new archetype emerging and also bless, honor, and release your old conditioning that prevents its emergence
  • The potential for “regenopause” as Feminine Co-creators enter a new phase of life beyond pro-creation
  • How masculine co-creators are retaining their masculine strength while opening to a new way to dance with the feminine
  • How to engage in co-creative pods that practice this new way of being as well as co-creative families of choice that anchor it into your life
  • The power of reframing “aging” as “emerging” - with each passing year giving more of your soul’s true gifts

Barbara Marx Hubbard will help you not only understand the emergence of this new archetype for both women and men but how to apply it in your daily life.  


If you know that it’s time to drop the conditioning that leads you to seek security and comfort, so you can grow into your full self-expression in wonderful new ways, I encourage you to say, “Yes!” to participating in this free call with one of our world’s most respected wise women! Click here to join.






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80 East 11th St, Rm 401
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Last reminder to register for the wonderful Easton Mountain 2014 Labor Day Retreat

Hello to all:

I want to send a last loving reminder about an event that is very dear to my heart; the Labor Day Retreat. It's not too late to register! This amazing event has changed the lives of many people, both in the powerful workshops and activities that are created each year, and in the very special, warm and loving community that is built in this event. For many of us, lifelong friendships have been created at Labor Day. John Salvato, Frank Carson, John Ballew  and Wil Fisher are amazing leaders, as many of you already know. So, if you are looking to meet wonderful new men and have a joyful, heartfelt experience this Labor Day, then come join this community. I can't recommend it highly enough.




Gay Men’s Labor Day Retreat 2014
Living on Your Creative Edge

Facilitated by John Salvato, John Ballew, Frank Carson, & Wil Fisher
Fri 29 Aug -- Mon 1 Sept 2014
Easton Mountain Retreat Center,
Herrington Hill Rd, Greenwich NY 12834
(45 minutes northeast of Albany, NY)

Join us for the Annual Labor Day Retreat, a gathering of gay, bi, and transgender men focused on experiencing personal inner growth and building community.  This year’s theme is: “Living on Your Creative Edge.” 
We invite you to join our community:  Bring your gifts, struggles, and dreams.  There will be plenty of time to connect with old and new friends and to relax in a beautiful environment. 
For info and registration, please go to or call 800-553-8235.




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Free Q and A with me tonight-and free download: What Science Teaches Us About Love



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o all my readers,

I'll be having a live Q and A tonight at 8 PM Eastern time. Please join and bring any questions you might have around your search for love! I'm excited about this Q and A and my upcoming Deeper Dating course.

Connect to the webcast at

 Or dial (425) 440-5100 and enter the PIN 498523#

Also, here is a free audio download of my talk on What Science Has To Teach Us About Love:

I love this talk! A lot of the material is in my book and hasn't been released yet.

And please feel free to forward this email to any friends and loved ones you think might be interested. Just use the social media sharing links above.
With gratitude




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