Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello from Ken Page at Deeper Dating

I'm writing to you because you've been bounced from my Deeper Dating email list, and if you would like to recieve my new free e-lessons for single people, or Deeper Dating announcements, I'd love to have you back! I'm sending you my most recent announcement for next Tuesday's Spirituality and Intimacy Deeper Dating, and my most recent newsletter of e-Insights.
If you don't want to recieve either, please just respond to this email and write unsubscribe in the subject line.
If you want to get my mailings, do nothing, and I'll keep sending them!
Have a great day, and I hope that the events and the writings are of help to you.
all my best,

Hello to all:

There is a growing interest in spirituality within our community, a spirituality with greater freedoom than the homophobic religiosity many of us grew up with.  Spirituality can have a multitude of forms, religious and non.  The main point is this:  when we connect with our deepest self, we touch something greater, and, whatever you want to call it, it leads us to love.  Come join us as we explore our own connection to spirituality.  This should be a very special workshop - come join us and tell your friends. And please also check out the info below about the upcoming Labor Day will be an amazing event!



Spirituality and Intimacy 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 101

  On-line Registration $20 and $25 at the door.

Bring a guest and get $10 off admission. Bring two guests and come for free! If you are bringing one or more guests, simply respond to this email and advise us. You will be reimbursed at the door.


  Ken Page, LCSW, will lead this event as an experiential workshop on spirituality and intimacy. Come learn and share about your own sense of spirituality and it's relationship to your intimacy journey. And meet other men who share the same interests! 



  Your Next Brave Steps Toward Love

 Number 9 in a free series of e-insights  from Ken Page, LCSW  

I'd like to share a simple story which illustrates something profound about how we look for love. After the story, I'll ask you one simple question. Your own answers will have the power to open new dimensions of intimacy for you.

 Here's the story:

 A woman was searching determinedly through her yard for something. A friend passed by and asked what she was looking for. She said that she had lost a pair of earrings with a great deal of sentimental value. Her friend asked where she saw them last, and the woman told her she'd last seen them in the living room. Her friend asked the obvious question, "Well, why aren't you looking there?" And the woman answered, "It's too dark inside, I can see better in the yard."

 In your dating life, what's your "living room" – the place where you know the real work lies, but which you'd prefer to avoid? Here are just some examples; trust your own gut responses to this question.

  •   It might be inner work, such as getting help with emotional, sexual, or compulsive behaviors which hold you back.
  • It might be about logistics; are you looking in non-virtual places where real people connect -- people  who share your values? (those are the best places, in my opinion. Online resorces are great, but they can't take the place of real interactions with new people.)
  • It might be in the people you choose; do you get serious only with people whose values inspire you? Because if you are dating anyone else, you're ultimately wasting your time.
  • And finally, do you show your "soul" when you meet someone whose values you love? Do you show your passion, your tenderness, your quirkiness, your wildness, your emotional and sexual edges? (In the appropriate time frames, of course!)  Or do you show an airbrushed, less original version of yourself? Do you risk showing your true self?

 Take a few moments and write down your honest answers. Then talk to a friend, get feedback, and articulate, in a nitty-gritty way, how your insights translate into specific new goals. And, stay in touch with them -- let them support you and hold you accontable to your goals. 

 Not everyone will identify with this entry. For those of you who do, here's a challenging but wonderful reality. You probably won't be able to sustain the steepness of this climb  if you do it alone, without help and support. That's just how life works; we really do need each other to grow.

 Please comment and share your insights. Fellow readers will find meaning and direction from your own personal story.

 And congratulations on your bravery. The intimacy journey is not for the faint of heart!






Subscribe to Ken Page LCSW's Free E-Lessons For Singles

* required


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Ken Page, LCSW

Ken Page, LCSW is a psychotherapist who practices in New York City. He is the founder of Deeper Dating, and has led hundreds of workshops and retreats, mostly in the areas of spirituality and intimacy. He has led events at The Omega Institute, Rowe Conference Center, and the 92nd Street Y. Time Out New York called Deeper Dating "The new craze dating event; a combination singles mixer and personal growth workshop". He and his work have been featured in numerous media, including O, The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, Match.Com, The Discovery Channel, Life Magazine, WebMD and The Advocate, among others. His Gift Theory was introduced in his recently published article in the professional journal GROUP.

Contact Ken Page, LCSW at for information about individual psychotherapy and workshops.








If you think you should be in a different mailing list such as: women, opposite sex, other cities etc please let us know by replying to this email and we will change for you.

Deeper Dating, Inc.
853 Boradway, Suite 1717
New York, NY 10003

Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Make "SuperNatural" $$$ with this New Seduction Launch!

Hey Sasahbaldwin...

A while back I sent you an email about Vin DiCarlo's
Pandora's Box launch...

Some of you guys jumped in on the launch and made some
KILLER $$$...

Well, if you missed out on that... I've got a new opportunity
that is sure to make your wallet forgive you...

Vin's buddy Julian Foxx is launching a new PUA program
called "The SuperNatural" and it looks like another
major money maker for YOU...

Check it out here...

You'll earn a whopping 60% on each $67 sale, plus you'll
get paid 20% on the back end for 12 months!

But... the launch starts this THURSDAY, so JOIN NOW!

Here's all the details:

, PO Box 64, Wales, 53183, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Promote "Ageless Attraction", Make $47 per Sale!

Adam Gilad is releasing a new dating program for men tomorrow
called "Ageless Attraction: Secrets Of The Irresistible Man"...

Click Here To Sign Up To Be An Affiliate...

It's geared toward men over 30...

Here's some links to learn more about it:

*Video* Of Adam Describing It...

*Audio* Of Adam Describing It...

Ageless Attraction Sales Page...

It will sell for $97 and you'll get 50% for each sale you refer...

That's darn near $50 per copy FOR YOU!

If you sell 20 copies, that's a cool grand in your pocket...

BUT - it's only for sale until this Sunday...

So Sign Up *NOW* By Clicking Here...

There's TONS of big name guys promoting this, and the buzz-factor

This should be easy $$$ for you!

Sign up now and THANK ME later :-) ...

, PO Box 64, Wales, 53183, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Easy $$$, Don't Miss Out!

Just wanted to remind you about Vin DiCarlo's upcoming product

There's lots of EASY money to be made... just sign up and send
out a few promotional emails or make some blog posts...

(Vin gives you ALL the promo material pre-written, so you don't have
to do SQUAT :-)

So CLICK HERE to make major $$$...

The start of the launch begins this weekend... so time is a-ticking!

Don't throw f-ree $$$ away, sign up now...

Become an affiliate for Vin's new product "Pandora's Box" NOW!!!

I want you to get a fat check in a few weeks from this :-)





, PO Box 64, Wales, 53183, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Monday, February 22, 2010

HUGE seduction launch that you MUST get in on :-)

Hey Sasahbaldwin,

Vin DiCarlo is a dating coach for men, best known
for his super-popular "The Attraction Code" ebook...

I was involved in the launch of that ebook, and I made tons of
$$ out of it!

That was a couple years back, but now he's launching his NEWEST
product "Pandora's Box: A Man's Guide To The Female Mind"...

And the affiliate opportunities are even MORE AMAZING!

Sign up now here to get in on the upcoming launch:

Vin's offering a 65% commission on the front end sale of the
$97 product...

PLUS 20% on the recurring monthly recurring subscription (up to
8 months)...

And if commission on the front-end and back-end wasn't enough...
there's TONS of great prizes for those who send the most leads
and sales!

Sign up now to get all the details sent to you:

I have a feeling this may be the TOP SELLING seduction product
for men in 2010...

So get in on this launch RIGHT NOW and make yourself up to
$164 for each person you send who buys!

Sign up now:


PS: The launch is starting this Friday, so sign up RIGHT
NOW... you'll KICK yourself if you miss out on this EASY
money making opportunity!

, PO Box 64, Wales, 53183, United States

To unsubscribe visit:

To change your contact details visit:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't Miss Deeper Dating Tomorrow - Sex and Intimacy. Pre-register and Save $5

  • Why are we so sexually attracted to guys who aren't good for us?
  • How do we connect really hot sex and healthy, intimate love?
  • How do we discover our deepest turnons--sexually AND emotionally?
  • Bringing sex into dating.

In our next Deeper Dating, Ken will offer some inspiring new insights about these questions.  Then you'll get to meet each other (Don't won't have to talk about your own sex life!!)  So come, discover some new ways to think about your own sexuality and intimacy journey, and meet great new guys in an attitude free environment.


 Gay Couple Picture

  Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 101

  On-line Registration $20 and $25 at the door.

                                                                                            In Partnership With

 The Men Event Logo.jpg

Deeper Dating creates events unlike any other.  At each event, you'll meet lots of quality men who are looking for real relationships just like you are. This event is designed specifically for gay men.  You'll connect with great guys in ways you never expected.
(think speed dating with soul)


The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

208 West 13th Street, New York City


Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Friday, January 29, 2010

Deeper Dating - Sex and Dating Volunteers Needed Next Tuesday

  • Greetings: 

    Hello to all.  This coming Deeper Dating will be a very exciting one.  I will be presenting new and important ways of understanding sex in relation to our dating lives.  I'd love you to be there.  The weeknight format is bringing in many new participants, so it should be a great gathering.

    We also could use some volunteer help, so if you'd like to assist in return for free admission, please contact me as soon as possible.

    Finally, I will be starting a blog in the very near future, so if anyone is skilled in developing and marketing blogs, please do be in touch.




     Gay Couple Picture

      Tuesday, February 2, 2010
    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 101

      On-line Registration $20 and $25 at the door.

                                                                                                In Partnership With

     The Men Event Logo.jpg

    Deeper Dating creates events unlike any other.  At each event, you'll meet lots of quality men who are looking for real relationships just like you are. This event is designed specifically for gay men.  You'll connect with great guys in ways you never expected.
    (think speed dating with soul)


    The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

    208 West 13th Street, New York City


    Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Deeper Dating Next Tuesday...Connecting Sex and Intimacy in Your Dating Life

    • Why are we so sexually attracted to guys who aren't good for us?
    • How do we connect really hot sex and healthy, intimate love?
    • How do we discover our deepest turnons--sexually AND emotionally?
    • Bringing sex into dating.

    In our next Deeper Dating, Ken will offer some inspiring new insights about these questions.  Then you'll get to meet each other (Don't won't have to talk about your own sex life!!)  So come, discover some new ways to think about your own sexuality and intimacy journey, and meet great new guys in an attitude free environment.

                                                   THE  NEW DEEPER DATING

     Gay Couple Picture

      Tuesday, February 2, 2010
    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 101

      On-line Registration $20 and $25 at the door.

                                                                                                In Partnership With

     The Men Event Logo.jpg

    Deeper Dating creates events unlike any other.  At each event, you'll meet lots of quality men who are looking for real relationships just like you are. This event is designed specifically for gay men.  You'll connect with great guys in ways you never expected.
    (think speed dating with soul)


    The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

    208 West 13th Street, New York City


    Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Deeper Dating, Feb 2: Sex and Intimacy in Dating.

Why are we so sexually attracted to guys who aren't good for us?
How do we connect really hot sex and healthy, intimate love?
How do we discover our deepest turnons--sexually AND emotionally?
Bringing sex into dating.

In our next Deeper Dating, Ken will offer some inspiring new insights about these questions.  Then you'll get to meet each other (Don't won't have to talk about your own sex life!!)  So come, discover some new ways to think about your own sexuality and intimacy journey, and meet great new guys in an attitude free environment.

                                               THE  NEW DEEPER DATING

 Gay Couple Picture

  Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 101

  On-line Registration $20 and $25 at the door.

                                                                                            In Partnership With

 The Men Event Logo.jpg

Deeper Dating creates events unlike any other.  At each event, you'll meet lots of quality men who are looking for real relationships just like you are. This event is designed specifically for gay men.  You'll connect with great guys in ways you never expected.
(think speed dating with soul)


The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

208 West 13th Street, New York City


Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Deeper Dating Tonight! ($10 pre-reg)... Three Ways To Transform Your Dating Life

Hello to all the Deeper Dating Community 
We have big news!   Deeper Dating has moved to Tuesday nights, and runs for 2 hours instead of 2 1/2 hours.  Most important, each event will offer a lecture/mini training in new ways to approach dating.  I am very excited about the ideas I'll be presenting, and I think that you will really enjoy this new format.  So, to allow you to test out the new Deeper Dating, the first event will only cost $10, if you preregister, and $15 at the door.  This should be a wonderful way to begin your new year in a new and positive way.


 Gay Couple Picture

  Tuesday, January 12, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 301

  On-line Registration $10 and $15 at the door.

In the first Deeper Dating of 2010, founder Ken Page, LCSW will teach three powerful ways to transform the way you date. These insights also have the power to change the way you relate to others as a whole.  After the talk, you'll get to explore these ideas as you connect with a large number of new men in exciting and fun ways.  Built into the evening will be the opportunity to exchange phone numbers with potential matches.  Come try the new Deeper Dating!


The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

208 West 13th Street, New York City


Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Monday, January 11, 2010

Tomorrow-Deeper Dating ($10 pre-reg)... Three Ways To Transform Your Dating Life

Hello to all the Deeper Dating Community 
We have big news!   Deeper Dating has moved to Tuesday nights, and runs for 2 hours instead of 2 1/2 hours.  Most important, each event will offer a lecture/mini training in new ways to approach dating.  I am very excited about the ideas I'll be presenting, and I think that you will really enjoy this new format.  So, to allow you to test out the new Deeper Dating, the first event will only cost $10, if you preregister, and $15 at the door.  This should be a wonderful way to begin your new year in a new and positive way.


 Gay Couple Picture

  Tuesday, January 12, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 301

  On-line Registration $10 and $15 at the door.

In the first Deeper Dating of 2010, founder Ken Page, LCSW will teach three powerful ways to transform the way you date. These insights also have the power to change the way you relate to others as a whole.  After the talk, you'll get to explore these ideas as you connect with a large number of new men in exciting and fun ways.  Built into the evening will be the opportunity to exchange phone numbers with potential matches.  Come try the new Deeper Dating!


The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

208 West 13th Street, New York City


Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deeper Dating Next Tues, only $10: Three Insights To Transform Your Dating Life

Hello to all the Deeper Dating Community 
We have big news!   Deeper Dating has moved to Tuesday nights, and runs for 2 hours instead of 2 1/2 hours.  Most important, each event will offer a lecture/mini training in new ways to approach dating.  I am very excited about the ideas I'll be presenting, and I think that you will really enjoy this new format.  So, to allow you to test out the new Deeper Dating, the first event will only cost $10, if you preregister, and $15 at the door.  This should be a wonderful way to begin your new year in a new and positive way.


 Gay Couple Picture

  Tuesday, January 12, 2010
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Room 301

  On-line Registration $10 and $15 at the door.

In the first Deeper Dating of 2010, founder Ken Page, LCSW will teach three powerful ways to transform the way you date. These insights also have the power to change the way you relate to others as a whole.  After the talk, you'll get to explore these ideas as you connect with a large number of new men in exciting and fun ways.  Built into the evening will be the opportunity to exchange phone numbers with potential matches.  Come try the new Deeper Dating!


The Center Logo cut 2.jpg

208 West 13th Street, New York City


Ken Page, the event's founder, and Deeper Dating have been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine, Life Magazine, The Discovery Channel, HX, OutLook,  Time Out New York and many other media sources.