Hello to all: This coming weekend is the Labor Day Retreat at Easton Mountain--an amazing event has changed the lives of many men. For many of us, lifelong friendships have been created at Labor Day. John Salvato, Frank Carson and John Ballew are amazing leaders as many of you already know. So, if you are looking to meet wonderful new men and have a joyful, heartfelt experience this Labor Day, then come join this community. I can't recommend it highly enough. And I look forward to seeing you: I'll be coming for part of the retreat as well. With love for this wonderful community, Ken Page Gay Men’s Labor Day Retreat at Easton Mountain Retreat Center Playing Together: Exploring Fun in Your Life Friday, August 31 - Monday, September 3, 2012 Join us for the Annual Labor Day Retreat at Easton Mountain, a gathering of gay, bi, and transgender men focused on experiencing personal inner growth and building community. This year’s theme is “Playing Together: Exploring Fun in Your Life.” Whether it’s in playing sports or expressing creativity and playfulness through writing, singing, movement, art, storytelling, ritual, dressing up, or quiet and intimate connections – Fun, in all its forms, is the field that relationships run on. At Labor Day, we each take the risk of sharing our deepest inspirations and aspirations with each other. In large and small group activities, we draw from our personal strengths to create and play in a supportive community. We invite you to join our community: Bring your gifts, struggles, and dreams. There will be plenty of time to connect with old and new friends and to relax in a beautiful environment. Facilitated by John Salvato, NYC; Frank Carson, NYC; and John Ballew, Atlanta, GA; with Jack Hyman, Tom Dennison, & Special Guest Author, Charles Rice-Gonzalez For info and registration- please go to www.eastonmountain.com or call 800-553-8235. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND A REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS FROM MY FRIEND MORTY ROSENBAUM, FOR HIS STUDY OF GAY MEN IN THERAPY Hello, all supporters of science, LGBT awareness, and psychotherapy! I am a doctoral student who is looking for the help of gay men, aged 18 and older, who are currently engaged in regular individual psychotherapy. If you fit this description, I hope you’ll consider filling out an anonymous, <10-minute online survey about your experience of therapy. If you complete the survey, you’ll have the option of providing your email address to enter a raffle to win one of three Amazon.com gift certificates: one for $100 and two for $50 each. If you do provide your email address, it will be used only to notify you if you’ve won. If you meet the criteria and wish to participate, take the survey by following this link: https://liubpsych.us2.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b8gzf6yJJBkrMfa If you know someone else who meets the criteria and think he might be interested, please pass this email along. Your participation in this research is voluntary. You must complete the 10-minute survey in order to enter the raffle, and you may participate only once. If you decide to discontinue your participation in the study, you can do so by exiting the survey. At that point, the responses you have already provided will be used for the study only if you authorize their use. This research has been approved by the IRB of the Long Island University Brooklyn Institutional Review Board. You may also contact the student researcher, Morton Rosenbaum, M.A., at liu.research@gmail.com. Thanks very much for your help. -- Morton Rosenbaum, M.A. Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology Long Island University For info and registration, please go to www.eastonmountain.com or call 800-553-8235. At Easton Mountain Retreat Center, NE of Albany, NY |