"Meeting, Dating, Committing..What do I want?:
A workshop for Men-Who-Love-Men."
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2014,
from 11am til 7pm. (2 hour Lunch Break)
Place: Arnie's home in Cape May, NJ
(address will be sent to all who register)
Description: As a Community of Men-Who-Love-Men, we have come a long way in the past 10 years. Gay marriage, once unthinkable, is now a reality in many states, with many more states on the way. While discrimination still exists, there are more laws to protect us, making life together between two men, more and more of a possibility. Due to online apps, one can now meet men who were only accessible in the past, if one was an avid traveler. Depending on location, meeting men can be very easy or still difficult, yet, there are other issues to consider. Men-Who-Love-Men have not had many models to choose from. The only relationship model before us, has been the heterosexual model, which quite often does not even work for heterosexuals due to its rigid standards, so it can work very well for some people, but leave many out, who not knowing what to do, feel that perhaps they should resign themselves to a life of loneliness.
The reality is that like anything in life, everyone can learn to have a happy, healthy relationship regardless of any false information you might have picked up along the way. No one has to settle for what's not right if one is willing to look at oneself and enhance skills we already possess, or learn new ones.
This workshop will explore the dynamics of meeting, dating, and finally deciding the type of committed relationship one wants. The fact is that we can all be happy. What is mutually decided between two adult individuals, with clear agreements and open communication, is bound to be long-lasting, or if it ends, it can end harmonically.
During this day, participants will be exposed to:
* Identifying conscious and unconscious beliefs and feelings that block effective relationships,
* How to identify early on: potential friends and partners, and wean out the ones that can be problematic,
* Learning to be totally honest with oneself about one's real desires and how to meet them,
* Looking beyond the physical, yet value attraction at every level,
* How to negotiate without loosing oneself in the process,
* Who to go to for confidential advice and sharing,
* Being very honest about what one wants and how to negotiate those needs with a potential partner,
* Embracing with confidence the type of relationship one wants.
* And much more....
In addition to a day of wonderful information, it's a day to meet great guys. Couples may attend, if willing to give testimonies of different types of relationships, but the workshop is designed for the single man-who-loves-men, and would like to explore a long-term, loving, healthy relationship.
Hope you can join us!!
$80 Workshop Only,
$140 Workshop and Lunch at area restaurant,
$300 Workshop, Lunch, and one night lodging (very limited space on premises- Breakfast included in price).
Not included: Off premises lodging and anything else not mentioned above.
To Register: Go to: http://ajvargas.blogspot.com/p/application-form.html and fill out form which includes payment options. -
Full workshop payment of $80 is due at registration. Payment is fully refundable up to 8 days prior to the workshop. After 8 days, payment is non-refundable. Balances are due upon arrival on the day of the workshop.
Travel information will be sent to all who requested it, and every effort will be made to connect participants with rides. Ideal for guys in the NY, NJ, Philadelphia area and Delaware.